Kaleidoscope, Mandalator Bright Colors by Randy and Shelley Knapp.
This awesome kaleidoscope has a 2 mirror system that looks into an oil filled cell. The image created is a mandala image with a 5 point symmetry.
The "Mandalator" does indeed have bright colors and a 5 point star. This kaleidoscope features an oak veneer and well crafted sleek exterior design. Shelley Knapp does the lamp working for the oil filled object chamber. Over 26 years of kaleidoscope making goes into each Knapp kaleidoscope.
I do Know these are heirloom Quality kaleidoscopes and many things go into these for a well made kaleidoscope.
•The"Mandalator" is 7 1/2" long and about 2 1/2" in diameter.
• The black wooden base is 4 1/2" long, 2 1/4" wide and is 1" tall.
•Primary Colors against a Black Background
•5 point Symmetry
•Oil filled separate turning Chamber.
•26 plus years of Handmade Artistry goes into each kaleidoscope.
•Hand lamp worked glass canes and Dichroic Glass in each chamber.
•Made in the USA by Randy and Shelly Knapp.